I look into the mirror and I see a face that is always changing. Can I love her? Can I accept her? Will I reject her? But the face that I see is what a kind and caring person looks like. No matter her age. No matter her flaws. No matter her mistakes. Hello face. You are beautiful… I love you.
The false believe that we are nothing blocks the flow of unconditional self-love. But if we could see that the reason why we think that we are nothing is because unhealthy people from our past convinced us of this, by the way they spoke to us and treated us, then we could understand that this belief is unfounded. We could also understand that we are not living in our own truth but living in someone else’s lie, and the pain and unhappiness that we feel is trying to draw our attention to this lie.
Don’t wait until someone gives you permission to love yourself. Self-love is not something to be earned or deserved, it’s simply a seed planted within us waiting to be nurtured in order to grow. But sometimes the seed of self-hate gets nurtured instead if we did not receive nurturing and unconditional love from the people who raised us. Instead of learning how to love ourselves, we were taught how to hate ourselves by how we were treated and from the modeling of self-hate from those around us.
In truth, you are a one-of-a-kind living miracle. You will always be worthy of love. There is no other person exactly like you and you have your own unique gifts to offer this world. Know that for the simple fact you exist, your life has value and meaning. And you can feel honored that the universe chose you to be a part of this amazing time in human history. You are a member of a very large family called Earth and when you need nurturing you always have Mother Earth to count on.
So don’t let anyone ever convince you again that you are nothing. People who try to consciously or unconsciously convince others that they are nothing are coming from a place of feeling like nothing themselves. And that is no longer your truth or reality. If anything, they could benefit from what you are now learning about self-love!
Note: This blog post was inspired by my book, Unconditional Self-love:What it is, Why it’s important, and How to nurture it in your life.
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