Unconditional self-love is our birth right; just as we were born with the right to love others we also have the right to love ourselves. Unconditional self-love is not something to be earned or deserved. It’s simply a seed planted within us …
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Here you will find a
nurturing place
to visit when you need a reminder
to unconditionally love yourself.
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Lessons in Unconditional Self Love
Learn how to speak to yourself in a more nurturing way
Speaking to ourselves in a nurturing way can be a challenge if we rarely heard nurturing words in the early formative years of our lives. In fact, if we were highly criticized or neglected, we probably learned to criticize and neglect ourselves …
Obstacle of self-love #2: Depression
I have experienced frequent bouts of depression all through my life. When it has gotten really bad, I have asked myself, “What does my life matter? Why bother?” After decades of asking myself this question, I have finally found my answer. My Life …
“Inspiration to paint my art comes from the desire to look at life differently. When I am faced with a problem, I search my spiritual studies and my collected wisdom for advice. Once I realize the advice that I need to take, I think of the symbolism to convey that message and that is what I paint.”
I'm Rita Loyd. The inspiration to paint healing art came to me in 1996 as a way to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome.
When I first began to paint nurturing art, I didn’t know that my art was going to be about self-love.
I now feel that I know the “recipe” for unconditional self-love and when I apply that recipe to my life I am able to shift from a place of negativity and defeat to a place of healing and empowerment.
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